Friday, September 7, 2007

A picture

In a picture I see a day, a happy moment frozen forever. In a picture I see my past, and touch it. In a picture, I see my friends, even the ones who are not here. I see smiles that vanished a long time ago and never came back. I see peace in happy eyes all are looking at one place, the camera flash. Sometimes, I see people move, hear their voices speaking, laughing, and happy. And sometimes I make them wet with my tears, but sometimes it is just a picture, an object with no soul. Just a memory of smiles we had left behind. A moment we had lost in the middle of nowhere. A picture, just a picture hanging on a miserable wall.


written by: the vision girl


A Lost Soul said...
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Anonymous said...

Someone has to fight the good fight
keep fighting my angel

Anonymous said...

People should read this.